Hey! You might wonder about what this name “Greevio” stands for?
Actually name “Greevio” doesn’t have any special meaning, this name is actually born from the ideas of two different minds when thinking of taking a company name for registration during snack time. Yes! Obsoletely just during the snack time, before we finalize this name we came across with hundred names but we didn’t wish to have the same and routine names. So we thought why not to take different name which represent colours, then we decided this name from two colours.
The name “Greevio” is extracted from two different colours.
Do you know?
“GREEN” Colour Stands for the color of life, renewal, nature, and energy, is associated with meanings of Positive, growth, harmony, freshness, safety, fertility, and environment.
“VIOLET” Colour is often associated with Trending, Nobility, luxury, power, and ambition. Purple also represents meanings of wealth, extravagance, creativity, wisdom, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace, pride, mystery, independence, and magic
To our business representation and development we decided to go with these designated two colours with explanation as
“GREEN” colour stands for ‘Positive’, ‘Growth’, ‘Safety’ and Colour of life. Reasoning why, as organization we wish to take and face challenges with positive views and make the company’s growth strong and unstoppable from providing safety and trustable business to clients and vendors giving them a satisfactory with feel good like colours of life.
“VIOLET” colour stands for ‘Trending’, ‘Nobility’, ‘Power’, ‘Creativity’, and ‘Independence’. Reasoning why, as organization we wish to create Trends among our business competitors in making new way of business with nobility, genuinely to our clients and vendors. Also power to face this part corrupted market with new and creative ideas standing independence.